Sponsor Camp GORGO 2022
Learn more about Camp GORGO here.
Up to 90 female fitness leaders, entrepreneurs, executives, social media influencers and everyday empowered women will gather at Camp GORGO 2022 for a life changing weekend of fitness, mindset, networking, and fun.
Our 8th annual Camp GORGO 2022 offers our sponsors a unique opportunity to connect with a community of women who invest in themselves through wellness, mindset work, and up-leveling in all areas of their lives.
Our audience are early adopters and highly interactive on social media-- providing the perfect opportunity to build a loyal brand following.
WHY SPONSOr camp gorgo?
Reach your exact demographic of female decision makers
Highlight and distinguish your company from your competitors
Align your brand with our respected and growing movement of supporting women through fitness and empowerment
Drive sales through high-exposure and experiential brand marketing
Make diversity and inclusion a top priority in your business. Looking to align with women of depth and drive? Camp GORGO is a great choice.
Become our Title Sponsor for 2022 or sponsor in a smaller or custom way based on your goals & budget
Receive the greatest impact and visibility leading up to, throughout, and following Camp GORGO 2022 in Oct 2022
Reach over 1M on social platforms